Unlock the 95%
of Untapped Power Within.

Immerse in our fusion of science and spirituality, where neuroscience, research, and spiritual wisdom combine to empower you.

Conquer obstacles, set transformative goals, and manifest dreams.


Discover Chardee's
transformative Magic
Through Hypnosis Audios

Personalised 1:1 sessions, and immersive courses
meticulously crafted to unlock your full potential.


Join Chardeeā€™s Vibrant
Podcast Community!

Immerse in guided meditation for inner peace and clarity. Experience awakenings, ignite curiosity and inspire personal growth.

Join now for an empowered life.


Hey there! I'm Chardee, aka the Magic Woman


I'm here to be your trusted therapist, expert reprogrammer and master mindset coach. With a powerful blend of neuroscience, scientific research, and spiritual wisdom, I'll be your guide on an incredible awakening journey. Together, we'll unlock your untapped potential, address deep-rooted trauma, and bring healing to your body, DNA, mind, and soul.

In our profound experience, we'll ignite your soul, reshape your beliefs, and create your own personal heaven on earth. So get ready to dive into your healing and transformation because when science and magic unite, extraordinary things happen!



Harnessing the Power of Up-to-Date Research with ChardeeĀ 

Embark on a transformative journey to unleash your potential, reshape your beliefs and manifest your personal paradise.




Captivating Paths to Explore:


Hypnosis AudiosĀ 

Tap into your subconscious mind to reprogram limiting beliefs.


Personalised 1:1 SessionsĀ 

Supercharge your transformation and tap into your unlocked potential with Chardeeā€™s guidance



Cultivate a growth mindset, overcome obstacles & align actions with aspirations.



Explore what programs are right for you and your goals.


Free TrainingĀ 

Sign-up now and watch my free Mindset Mastery training.


Free DownloadĀ 

Learn how 'Open Monitoring' can create mindfulness and connection.


Maximize Your Success: Explore Our Exclusive Client Packages

The ultimate launchpad for clients starting their transformative journey with me.

This exclusive package includes:

  • 1 x 90-minute private session to dive deep into your goals and tap into your subconscious
  • 2 x 60-minute private sessions to receive personalised guidance and unwavering support along your path.
  • 1 x Hypnosis Audio to accelerate your progress and reprogram your subconscious.

Take the first step towards your transformative journey today with our comprehensive package tailored to unlock your potential and create the life you desire.

*This package is to be completed within 3 months for optimal results*

Designed exclusively with enhanced benefits and resources for our valued clients seeking continued success and growth.

This comprehensive package includes:

  • 3 x 60 minute private sessions for personalised guidance and breakthroughs.
  • 1 x Hypnosis Audio to reinforce positive changes and reprogram your subconscious.Ā 

As a current client, seize the opportunity to take your journey to new heights with these exclusive offerings. Together, let's cultivate your success and unlock the full potential of your transformative journey towards a joyous and exhilarating existence.

*This package is to be completed within 3 months for optimal results*

Maximize Your Success: Explore Our Exclusive Client Packages

$684 AUD

The ultimate launchpad for clients starting their transformative journey with me.

This exclusive package includes:

  • 1 x 90-minute private session to dive deep into your goals and tap into your subconscious
  • 2 x 60-minute private sessions to receive personalised guidance and unwavering support along your path.
  • 1 x Hypnosis Audio to accelerate your progress and reprogram your subconscious.

Take the first step towards your transformative journey today with our comprehensive package tailored to unlock your potential and manifest the life you desire.

*This package is to be completed within 3 months for optimal results*

$616 AUD

Designed exclusively with enhanced benefits and resources for our valued clients seeking continued success and growth.

This comprehensive package includes:

  • 3 x 60 minute private sessions for personalised guidance and breakthroughs.
  • 1 x Hypnosis Audio to reinforce positive changes and reprogram your subconscious.Ā 

As a current client, seize the opportunity to take your journey to new heights with these exclusive offerings. Together, let's cultivate your success and unlock the full potential of your transformative journey towards a joyous and exhilarating existence.

*This package is to be completed within 3 months for optimal results*

Chardee's Personalised Transformational Coaching Intensive

Looking to advance your career, improve relationships, or deepen self-awareness?

Join Chardee's coaching programs for transformative empowerment. With Chardee as your trusted therapist and mindset coach, you'll get personalised guidance, essential tools, unwavering support, and customised strategies.

Together, we'll unleash your inner power, unlock potential, and ignite body, DNA, mind, and soul. Embark on a science-backed journey of healing and transformation to manifest miracles and profound change. Ready to make magic? Let's begin!


Chardee's Meditation Magic Podcast

Podcast is here to be your trusted companion on your spiritual growth journey.


  • Monthly deep dives into inspiring topics for a purposeful, passionate, and successful life.
  • Curated episodes covering personal development, mindset mastery, career growth, relationships, and well-being.
  • Valuable insights, practical strategies, and actionable steps to unlock your full potential and navigate life's challenges.



Letā€™s Get Focused Together!Ā 

Are you ready to embark on an incredible journey of science-backed healing and transformation? Join Chardee today and together, we'll manifest miracles and create profound change in your life. Let's make magic happen!


Follow Me On Instagram

Stay connected and inspired with a daily dose of magic and wisdom by following Chardee on Instagram. Join our vibrant community and elevate your journey of transformation to new heights.



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Stay in the loop and be the first to explore the fascinating world of energetic abs and flows, as Chardee delivers fresh insights and updates straight to your inbox.

Join My Inner Circle:
Sign Up To My Newsletter

Stay in the loop and be the first to explore the fascinating world of energetic abs and flows, as Chardee delivers fresh insights and updates straight to your inbox.