Embracing the Flow: Normalising Space in Your Calendar to Let Intuition Guide You

Sep 07, 2023

In the hustle and bustle of our modern lives, we often find ourselves caught in a perpetual race against time. Our calendars are packed with meetings, appointments, and to-do lists that seem never-ending. Working in my field

I've come to realise the immense value of making space in our calendars to allow our intuition to flourish. 

Together, we will explore the delicate balance between scientific and spiritual wisdom, uncovering how creating this space can transform our lives.


The Science Behind Space in Your Calendar


Before delving into the spiritual aspects of making space, let's begin with the science that supports the idea of giving your intuition room to breathe.


  1.  Cognitive Load and Overwhelm:

   Research shows that our brains can only handle a limited amount of cognitive load. Overloading our schedules with back-to-back tasks can lead to cognitive overwhelm, hindering creativity and problem-solving abilities.


  1.  The Power of Reflection:

   Neuroscientists have demonstrated the importance of downtime for reflection. When we pause and allow our minds to wander, we tap into our default mode network (DMN), a brain network associated with introspection, creativity, and insight.


  1.  Stress Reduction:

   Chronic stress is a major obstacle to intuitive thinking. Creating space in your calendar for relaxation and self-care can reduce stress levels and promote emotional well-being, allowing your intuition to shine.


The Spiritual Wisdom of Making Space


Now, let's shift our focus to the spiritual side of making space in your calendar.


  1.  Connecting with Nature:

   Nature has a profound impact on our intuition. By scheduling time in your calendar for walks in the woods, beach trips, or simply spending time outdoors, you can reconnect with the natural world and access a deeper sense of intuition.


  1.  Meditation and Mindfulness:

   Spiritual practices like meditation and mindfulness cultivate inner stillness and heightened awareness. Allocating time for these practices can help you tune into your inner wisdom and enhance your decision-making.


  1.  Energetic Wisdom:

   As a Healer, you understand the value of connecting with the spiritual realm. Creating space in your calendar for shamanic journeys, rituals, and ceremonies can open the door to profound intuitive insights.


Balancing Science and Spirituality


The key to normalising space in your calendar is finding a balance between scientific and spiritual wisdom. Here are some practical steps to get started:


  1.   Prioritise Self-Care: Schedule regular self-care activities in your calendar, such as yoga, meditation, or journaling, to reduce stress and enhance your intuitive abilities.


  1.   Nature Integration: Dedicate time to connect with nature, whether it's a daily walk in the park or weekend getaways to natural settings.


  1.   Reflection Time: Allocate specific time for introspection and reflection. Use this time to contemplate your goals, values, and desires.


  1.  Intuitive Practices: Incorporate spiritual practices that resonate with you, such as shamanic rituals, energy healing, or moon ceremonies into your calendar on a consistent basis.


  1.  Flexibility: Allow flexibility in your schedule to accommodate unexpected intuitive nudges. Sometimes, the best insights come when we least expect them.

In our fast-paced world, normalising the act of making space in your calendar is an act of self-love and self-discovery. By blending scientific knowledge with spiritual wisdom, you can tap into your intuition and allow it to guide you towards a more balanced and fulfilling life.


Remember, the answers you seek often emerge in the spaces you create for them. 


Embrace the flow, and let your intuition be your guiding light on this beautiful journey of self-discovery and growth.

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