Dealing with Setbacks on Your Healing Journey

Apr 28, 2023


Setbacks are a normal part of any healing journey, but they shouldn't stop you from moving forward. You can't do anything about your past, but you can control how you deal with it now!

You're not alone. Everyone has setbacks.

You're not alone. Everyone has setbacks, and they are a normal part of any journey. However, it can be hard to remember this when you're struggling with your own physical or mental health. In fact, setbacks may make it feel like your healing isn't moving forward at all but they actually provide an opportunity for growth and learning! Setbacks are a chance to re-evaluate your goals and learn more about yourself along the way.

You will never find healing if you are looking for it in the wrong places.

So where can you find healing? Well, there are many places to look. But I don't think any of them will work until you have found the one that is right for you. This may sound like a simple idea; but it's not easy at all!

Your first challenge is learning how to recognise when something is not working for you anymore even if it seemed really helpful once upon a time. The second challenge is figuring out which new direction might be better suited for your needs and preferences at this point in time. Let me explain...

You can't heal if you do not know what to heal from.

If the root cause of your pain is not discovered and addressed in a timely manner, then you will be stuck on the same spot for years and even decades. You may even feel like giving up healing altogether because it seems like such an uphill battle, especially when there are so many distractions around us that won't let us focus on our own healing journey.

You need someone who will help guide you through this journey and hold you accountable to make sure you are completing your homework.

Sometimes healing requires a long hard look in the mirror.

You might not like what you see, but it's important to be honest with yourself about who you are and how much work needs to be done before moving forward.

Be patient with yourself as well; it takes time for any kind of healing process, even if we feel ready for it immediately after an event occurs (which rarely happens).

Healing is uncomfortable and challenging but ultimately it is worth it.

You will have to work hard to make the changes that will bring you out of your pain and into a life of joy and peace.

You may have had setbacks in your healing journey before but this one was different, maybe because it was so unexpected or maybe because it happened at a time when your guard was down or maybe just because you are human.

Setbacks are a normal part of any journey, but they shouldn't stop you from moving forward

When something doesn't go your way, it's easy to get discouraged and think that this is the end of your healing journey. But setbacks aren't the end, they're just one step along the way. If you allow setbacks to define who you are or what your future looks like, then they'll have power over you (only you, should have power over you). In fact, setbacks can often be an opportunity for growth and personal development if we choose them wisely instead of letting them define us with fear or anger.

It is important to remember that healing is not a linear process. It will not happen overnight and it can be messy at times. You may find yourself stuck in a place where you feel like there is no way forward or backward but this does not mean your journey has failed it only means that now is the time for you to take stock of where you are at and ask yourself if this really is where you want to be? If so then great! If not then try again tomorrow.

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